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Showing posts from October, 2017

The Bracero Monument: A Tribute to the Human Spirit

© MetropolitanmomentuM M onuments are important public structures that embrace the greater values of societies and the character of the human spirit. They carry profound cultural, intellectual, and historical references representing the ideals that unite and connect people with one another. Freedom, sacrifice, love, individuality, peace, and innovation are just a few of those values they are meant to signify. The Bracero Monument is a public art project in the city of Los Angeles, California. It recognizes a crucial period of American history dating from the times of WWII to the Sixties. During these time periods, the Mexican Farm Labor Program becomes a significant enterprise that changes economies and the lives of many families. The Bracero Program, as it is usually called, tests people's endurance, values, and character. The Bracero workers become the backbone of many businesses. Their contributions to the economy and their personal sacrifices are profound. Their journey...